Dr. Little

Dr. Cam W. Little grew up in southern Missouri and did his undergraduate studies at the University of Missouri-Columbia. He was commissioned into the Army after finishing their ROTC program. After graduation he attended Creighton University School of Dentistry. While there, he did seven weeks of volunteer dentistry in the Dominican Republic.
Dr. Little was married and had his first child during dental school. Because his wife had attended OSU, Corvallis was their first choice for a place to live.
Dr. Little enjoys salmon fishing, pheasant hunting and fly fishing. His three children went to college at U of O, OSU, and Willamette University. His son Sean was on the Willamette baseball team and recently graduated. He will attend OHSU School of Dentistry in August 2021. His daughter Kacey is in her first year of a public health master’s program. His daughter Lauren completed a degree in cinematic studies and is pursuing a career in music and video production.
Dr. Little is still in the Oregon National Guard and is the State Dental Officer. Now that the kids are out of the house, Dr. Little has taken up golf again and is searching for his swing, not to mention his errant golf balls.